Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chinese Language Society Camp 09

10 and 11 of April, our Chinese society had successfully done a 2 day 1 night camp at school compound. At first, while we preparing all the needs for this camp. Many of us thought that this camp maybe can't be lunch. Because we don't have much time to prepare, we done the real preparation at last minute. The day of camp arrived, and all AJK are anxious about it. We scared if things can went through well. Well, some inevitable problems did arise like technical problems (computer and sound system). But everyone seems to enjoy it. We manage to learn and make traditional Chinese food and juniors are happy upon it. They are so excited and they dished food so with labour. At last, Chinese Traditinal Food Competition, all group got same mark, everyone did well. Night came and we need to prepare food, actually suppose each group cook their own meals, but because knife isn't adequate. So, after discussion with teacher, Food AJK will cook instead. Almost 8: 30 pm, our food well prepared, then, everyone come and enjoy the meal. At night, we watch movie, but because of computer problem, we failed. Then, we went out and made a circle with candles light on. We sang and joke around. But form 1 and 2 didn't really involved excitedly, they sit still at their chairs while form 5 students 'SS' and sang and laughed. Then, we went to sleep, but a news came from PBSM saying a Chinese student was disappeared while they playing games, our junior are scared and terrified by the shocking news, and one of them did even cried though I told them actually they were acting. We did our best to comfort them into their dreamland. Me and my sis look after the others until 1.20 pm, and we filled the time by prayers and sang praise and worship, hoping nothing will happen since teachers are not around for guidance. We were assigned to look after juniors and ourselves. After breakfast, we cleaned camp compound then we played games. Lastly, is sharing time, everyone shared and happy and satisfied with it which is out of my prediction, anyway, I'm happy too. Teachers were satisfied with our works since there is no single complaints while we camp ran on. That's indeed a good news.

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