Friday, December 31, 2010


"If you hoard love, it melts away.
If you lock love, it breaks free.
If you grab on to love, you end up holding an illusion.
When you let love flower in its own way, it stays to support you.
When you pass on love, it multiplies beyond measure."

hehe ^^ I really should let go of the past, and let everything orientate in its own way... Holding on is hurting, let go doesn't mean care none, it brings much that u're dare to give a space for new exploration... In the end, there's no one can ever says or judge anything... Letting go doesn't indicates that I'm not longer in love with you already, I hope u can have a better off life, but it appear vice verse, it might draw us back... Don't dream too much on it...

2010 is a year that things happen out of my control or should I say I failed to shift it... But, in another point, it adds unique taste into my life... I really can't count blessings I've received this year n miracles that happens....
I love U ^^ ♥

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

like it or not!

you pushed things together vigorously for what?
Everything is meaningless....
It brings nothing good out of it...

I'm so down in emotion...
Trying to get myself back by releasing those bad felt I had inside...

I knew I worth nothing... I felt bad for it...
I wish I could do much better than others...

But still, It never varies any fact that I am still who I am throughout the years...
I tried to do my best though I admit that most of the time,
I failed because of sloth...
It was kindly impossible to take a change in a flash...
I am human who flaw... I'm not perfect n never will be perfect...
Please accept the inevitable fact that forever "I'm who I'm", like it or not???
COME ON GUYS! *trapped feelings, emotions n thoughts*
We are one... Stop judging another...
FEELING blaming on THOUGHT, THOUGHT making funny of EMOTION,
EMOTION inimical towards FEELING....

Give me some peace! Live out here isn't already,
n now u guys not giving any supports neither encouragements, except draw things worse...

U all meant a lot for me... Have harmony! I wanna feel better after all that occurs...
U knew what it means! ORDEAL that kills me! I'm so in the abyss... Where's the light?
PISS OFF!!! calm down! I really feel like crying out loud!
The struggle inside me is too strong that I felt I've overcame by it...
Swimming in struggle, how bad it seems.... I...I...I...need to be strong n steadfast...
This is just a dessert, the right served meal is on yet...
I'll be waiting for you... I'll win over you, I dare you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Approaching the big day for every Christian...
which is namely Christmas...

But what actually it appears to you?
You've felt anything or taste it?

How do you personally take it as?
I really do enjoy and love this season of Christmas...
Too many times,
we lost in the message of Christmas...

Did you know the so called hidden message behind Christmas???
In our era, people prompt Christmas as a business and social market where humans are connected for own benefit..back then, selfish creation are we?!
Or some who swim in the busyness of activities that non-related to Christ's good news....only focusing on the day as a celebration or party for fun..
Christmas reminds me of the birth of Christ and thus, leads my thought into the ministry, sufferance, crucifixion and lastly the resurrection of Christ...
The whole journey is never easy to endure...
You 're the King above heaven and on earth, and yet you had to take it all...
swallow the pain of our sin on cross... then died at the hands of His own creations...
The feeling can never be told or said as no one felt it,
except He whom is worthy of all our praise and worship...

He really did died for you and I, therefore, why did you ever doubt on Him...
Is it you had felt cold with Him and as He is no one for you...
Repent, lets us repent, did you know that He loves us more than anything,
and that's the reason He make us the most extraordinary among all creations...

We've received wisdom and knowledge from Him and simply one answer,
we own our freedom and right to live the way we want..

But always God's way is most excellent...
For He know everything and everything is in Him...

Across this apparently crucial world,
let nothing withdraw you, bear in mind Christ is on our side...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

distant ♥

As I residing around fb, I met with this very touching article written by my friend...
I amazed on how he describe it and typed it in Chinese...
well... It's actual supposes to be written in Chinese...
but I came with amazed and stood as there's no way for me to type Chinese words...
If you wish to see it, it would be my most dying assignment ever.... *cried*
Play no Chinese typing or writing games with me, I admit that I'm a noob in this case....
Allow me to share with you...His prestigious emotional writing...

“ 距离是一份考卷,测量相爱的誓言。

Friday, December 10, 2010

With God

Lies down at the wings of God,
let no worries haunt you...

The Lord is our shepherd and I shall not be in want...
We knew this verse very well,
but how well did you trust in God's promises?

Today are you still struggle to let God be the driver of life?
Do you still have the doubts that God will provide your needs?
How did you feel when all your hopes seem to fade away?
Lost? Tired? Angry? Frustrated?

I prayed that you will have none of the mention feelings or even worst...
Too much of times we permitting all the feelings to conquer us before we see the reality...
In the time of hardness,
do you know that you can actually stay peace and worry nothing if you are willing to trust in God...

Guess it's tough, after all, it's all about faith and how much you believe in God's provision...
When it comes to faith,
I guess not more than 10% of human being can utterly trust in God...

Why was it hard? because we, human are trying to constrict God's power with humans' intelligence...
In fact, it was nothing and meaningless...

It's hard because whenever something looks bad occurs,
we anxious first...and our mind bring us into the lie of Satan... Saying everything will be bad and there will be no future...

In case you don't know that Satan is the greatest liar in universe ever...
So Christians' life is about faith! How profound did you put hope and trust in God?
The more faith you have in God, the more great you shall encounter and own it in God's grace and mercy...Amen!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Kasih tanpa sebab

Cinta terlalu dalam maksud buatku dan mungkin tuk waktu ni takkan dapat ku mendalam dan mengerti makna sebenarnya... hanya waktu akan tunjukkan ku erti setulusnya. Kukan sabar menantinya. Mungkin adalah lebih sesuai tuk ku namakannya sebagai kasih... Kasih yang amat indah hingga membutakan mataku... Ku tak mengerti mengapa, bagiku ia takkan memerlukan apa alasan pun, sebagaimana Tuhan mengasihi manusia tanpa sebab... Kasih setulus yang mengalir ikhlas dari hati telah menyedarkanku... Betapa besar dan sesungguhnya kasih cinta Tuhan terhadapku, ku amat bersyukur dan ku tau tak akan pernah ku mampu balaskan jasa cinta Tuhan. Selain menyerahkan seluruh hidupku sebagai penyembahan hidup, mengikuti taat segala ajaran rencana-Nya, menyembah-Nya sepenuh hati jiwa dan meninggalkan semua keinginan diri tuk kemuliaan-Nya... Senang dikatakan, enak didengar, tetapi adakah ku mampu lakukan semua tu... Ku hanya manusia biasa yang mempunyai nafsul duniawi, ku tau ku tak mampu, tetapi benar ikhlas ku doa kepada Bapa yang duduk di taktah Syurga agar berikan ku kekuatan tuk nmencintai-mu sepenuh hati dan jiwa... Bapa, ku tau Engkau Maha Kuasa, melalui-Mu ku pasti akan lakukan semua tu... Ku doa pada-Mu... Ya Bapa dengarlah doa umat-Mu yang sangat meninginkan Mu tuk memenuhi hidupku yang serba kurang... Janganlah biarkan ku pernah menjauhkan diri dari-Mu... Ku tau risiko tuk jauhkan diri dari-Mu, langit gelap berawan, ku takkan mampu temukan terang... Ku benar merindukan kehadiran-Mu di samping ku... Ku mau selalu dalam rumah-Mu kerana di sana ku temukan kasih yang terbesar di dunia ni. Ku tak takut lagi tatkala Engkau melingkupiku dan Engkau membuatku kuat melewati semua... semua yang menghancurkan hatiku... ku tau itu adalah tuk kebaikanku... Engkau ingin melatihku supaya pada waktu mendatang, ku kan lebih tabah melewati semua... Terima kasih Tuhan Bapaku! Ku benar terpaku akan kasih terindah-Mu... Ku tau Engkau tak pernah tinggalkan ku sendiri saat apa pun. Bapa sungguh mengasihiku... Maknanya tertulis dalam alkitab, "You worth more than many sparrows."

Monday, December 06, 2010

luv honey

My cute lil honey... so sweet is it!
I love this pix very much... Thx Jason Pang!
I never can take pix as nice as this one...
Sorry Honey, Mum was incapable of it...
but at least, you have your own pretty pix to share onward... ^^

doa ari ni...

ku tak miliki pa pn... pa yg pnting dlm idup ni... ku tak ingin cr pa2 pn... ku hanya ingin b'serah pd Tuhan... Hanya Tuhan akan br ku jln kuar tuk segala masalah dan kesedihanku... Tuhan selalu menopangku... Ku amat terharu krn kesetiaan-Nya yg tak ternilai... sapa ke ku tuk-Mu sayang sehingga Engkau menawarkan anak-Mu btku... Ku terpaku akan kasih kurnia yg tak terhingga nilainya... Ya Bapa...Abba Maha Mulia Maha Mengerti... Ku tertawa dgn air mata mengalir...krn Engkau bnr mengasihiku dan dia... Engkau bukakan jln tuk kami dan terus kuatkan iman kami... Ya Allah... Kami hanya manusia yg lemah dan tak memiliki pa pn... tp Engkau bt kami berharga dan brkan kami sebuah kasih... Kami amat berterima kasih atas pemberian-Mu.. Bapa, biarlah kami terus menuruti firman-Mu dan melaku sebagaimana Engkau ajar kami... Bapa, ku berdoa akan keselamatan dan dopangan-Mu terus berserta kami... Ke mana pn kami bertuju... Engkau terus bersama kami... berikanlah kami kekuatan tuk melewati semua cobaan dan pergumulan idup... Terima Kasih Bapa Kami di syorga... dalam nama Yesus Kristus ku doa, Amin!






Sunday, December 05, 2010


The days are long, but you keep it short. To fear nothing will separate us, you push hard alone. Let to bear all insults which are non-related to you, my heart hurts, profoundly depth in my heart I knew our heart still as one. Never to let go, even it's tough, laughed and teased down by world, 'what a freak irrational lover you are!' But might the love too strong till it overcome all. You acted like nothing took place and care nothing but me... My vacant and meaningless... But you make price of it... and valued it highly... dare to scarifies all despise of any return... "No one can ever swims out of love's river.", your verse embed firmly in my mind.

old friends

How's it feels when you met your old friend...
I met my old friends that came far from KK to join DEYC...
I missed them all at Christ The King...
guess all of you doing well... God bless you all!
Grow in quantity and quality!!!
I know you all can do it through Christ who strengthen us...
Amen ^^

Hope to see you in the future to come...
Missed the old good times we all had together...

Happy hours flies straight and leaves on quickly...
sometime I wish I could just stop a moment of time...
if and only........ *again and again!*

It's all about you, Jesus

Do you think you know what life is about....
Can you answer with full confident....

If not...
you should listen and get yourself into the lyric...

There's you'll find the answer for your life...

When the music fades
All is stripped away
And I simply come
Longing just to bring
Something that's of worth
That will bless Your heart

I bring you more than a song
For a song in itself
Is not what you have required
You search much deeper within
Through the way things appear
You're looking into my heart

I'm coming back to the heart of worship
And it's all about you
It's all about you, Jesus
I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made it
When it's all about you
It's all about you, Jesus

King of endless worth
No one could express
How much you deserve
Though I'm weak and poor
All I have is yours
Every single breath


Do you believe in miracle.... Tell you the truth... I believe none of it... But one matter I trusted the most I believe the Lord my God... Through this year, there's plenty...or should I say uncountable miracle happened because of Him... I believe and have this complete faith that He is the One for me... You know what... ya! Guess you'll be asking... How would I know if you don't say it...hehe Was about to begin the story in short... I almost die for twice this year... Death that approach without my will... I wasn't feel like dying but it finds me.... Sounds scaring but very really... I'm a person who almost enter another DIMENSION..... It freaks me out! God you are not gonna take me home now right... That's what ran through my thought... Ok...then back to our story... God save me... in a second of time I could had passed away... But with God's permission my life was kept... And I was so thankful because of it... Guess... by the time you read this.. you might think I'm joking... But let me tell you this... seriously it wasn't a joking... even if it was "if you still think it was a joke, which I can't help you out", it was funny at all.... because it cost a life... nothing ever can buy one's live... if you die, then you are dead... It is completely the end of your whole chapter of life... So guys out there... please never ever give up on your life... your life can be much more better, if you are really to take the single step and walk out of your past and be courage to face what life throw to you... Life is freaking wonderful I dare you... Believe it or not... That's what I'm gonna tell you... If you have any problems needs to solve out and you found no one... Kindly seek me though I might be just a listener, I'll still be glad to help you... God bless you!
Love yourself before you want others to love you or you wanna to love others...

One life One love

Once my sis told me “In this life, we can only love one person with whole-hearted”.

You might encounter with lots of love story, but only ONE will be remember forever.

For those who haven’t into relationship, think twice before start….

Don’t regret at the end! *I never regret! ^^*

If you are to say YES for a relationship, break up shouldn’t appear in your mind,

if u do, don’t start it, you’ll have a bad end which both will hurt.

Let your love end in a marriage.

It might sounds too serious, but do you think it’s possible for you to love every lover you met with 100%.

Answer > Impossible! In the end, you’ll exhaust and left vacant when you’ll start hate everything and thus complaining about your life.

*One love only does*