Monday, December 05, 2011


Won’t you just wept by the flaws human can never shake off .. Human indeed wasn’t perfect and transcendent in one’s own due to their very own genuinely natural acts and perspective.

Though, they ought to breath from exact source of air and lived on the only earth available, yet all are unique individually. Then who we are to judges or to say a single word over their deed.. no offences!

Positive comments and advices are for the use of edification. Abuse it for the result of it likely will be another soul to be ransom was left with denial. False deeds other done occur in just the matter of time and sequences. It was equally formulate that you’ll have the possibility of committing mistakes.

Judgment should never serve first; it should have be a dessert that comes in the end, ensure it is sensible.

By and by, toilsome enough to understand and fathom thoroughly.. Humans are detectable with inner self conscious either partially or perfectly. Lest twist the fact that no matters how struggles humans to get themselves better person, they are just a creature formed with weakness and breathed through the knowledge and nostalgia.

*personal thought, God has its own desires!

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