Saturday, April 23, 2011


Are the initials of your BUSY were defined as below???

*alert toward lies!*


God, help me n teach that my BUSY wouldn't be as it defined at above…

God, teach me in midst of all my busyness I put You first among all….

You are my primary and priority!!

Redirect me every time I’m losing focus from You…

Knowing and acknowledging the flawless and weakness I had as a mere human…

You love me thoroughly, but I’m kept on hurting You.

I’m selfish, I knew it…but I can’t loose you and not having you in my life…

You hurt and it was like a sharp edged sword that shatters Your heart into pieces…

How painful it was!!! I knew…

Dear Lord, my Gracious Father high on heavenly throne! I cried loud to You!!

I need You more than any else... neither LOVE, that once drove me insane n restless...

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