Approaching the big day for every Christian...
which is namely Christmas...
But what actually it appears to you?
You've felt anything or taste it?
How do you personally take it as?
I really do enjoy and love this season of Christmas...
Too many times,
we lost in the message of Christmas...
Did you know the so called hidden message behind Christmas???
In our era, people prompt Christmas as a business and social market where humans are connected for own benefit..back then, selfish creation are we?!
Or some who swim in the busyness of activities that non-related to Christ's good news....only focusing on the day as a celebration or party for fun..
Christmas reminds me of the birth of Christ and thus, leads my thought into the ministry, sufferance, crucifixion and lastly the resurrection of Christ...
The whole journey is never easy to endure...
You 're the King above heaven and on earth, and yet you had to take it all...
swallow the pain of our sin on cross... then died at the hands of His own creations...
The feeling can never be told or said as no one felt it,
except He whom is worthy of all our praise and worship...
He really did died for you and I, therefore, why did you ever doubt on Him...
Is it you had felt cold with Him and as He is no one for you...
Repent, lets us repent, did you know that He loves us more than anything,
and that's the reason He make us the most extraordinary among all creations...
We've received wisdom and knowledge from Him and simply one answer,
we own our freedom and right to live the way we want..
But always God's way is most excellent...
For He know everything and everything is in Him...
Across this apparently crucial world,
let nothing withdraw you, bear in mind Christ is on our side...
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