Wednesday, June 22, 2011


you knew it well...

"That you are not to shut love out of your life by saying it is impossible to find and keep.
The quickest way to find love is to give love.
If you want it too badly, you will not find it.
The most secure way to keep love is to give it space and care to grow.
If you hold it too tightly, you will lose it."

I got it again..hehe XD
I missed you..
I won't forgot 226..n 264..
God bless you graciously..

Friday, June 17, 2011

He shall..

God, cure this heart of mine..

It having its own breath against the principle..

Bleeding severely and roaring for help in the most helpless condition..

You’re there..out there..NO!! You’re in my heart..

I need Your peace and hurl away all my distractions that keep me apart from You.. I want to be loved by You as I had it the 1st time..Great compassion..

I’m weak.. How should I lead.. I’m not a good leader, especially a spiritual..

the warfare was too great to fight myself..dare me not!

Yet, I’m not alone.. Heaven is with me as I fought for Your glory..

God, give me endure, courage and bold heart as I serve..and grant me wisdom,

In the name of Jesus Christ I prayed this, AMEN !!!^^

Thursday, June 09, 2011

what a comfort!

There is no need for you to go it alone.

There are people who love you, and who are ready to give you much needed support.

There are even more, - way more than you can possibly imagine people who CAN love you if you give them a chance.

Make 'share joy, half the sorrow' your motto for today.

*Shared joy is a double joy; Shared sorrow is half a sorrow.*

God bless Jess..

Love you Jess ^^

Wednesday, June 08, 2011


Happy just because I'm happy...

The shortest ever blog I had for the meantime..gbu~

Tuesday, June 07, 2011


should had studied since 9am,
yet I didn't because of this...
I spent a hour quarter to answer it.. [==]''
ahaha... I've wasted my time again... XD
Jess is going so insane..

把 以 下 问 题 复 制 , 贴 在 一 封 你 要 TAG の NOTES 上 :D

將 所 有 的 答 案 改 成 你 自 己 的 .

這 個 理 論 要 說 的 是 , 你 將 了 解 你 的 朋 友 許 多 不 為 人 知 的 種 種


1■ 開 始 這 封 的 時 間

—〉8:31am, 7th June 2011 (Tuesday)

2■ 你 的 全 名

—〉Jessica Chin Yen Yen

3■ 你 現 在 正 在 聽 誰 的 歌

—〉Nothing Is Impossible, Planetshakers

4■ 你 在 哪 裡 讀 書 / 工 作

—〉St Patrick, Tawau (Form Six 11/12)

5■ 上 一 次 生 日 蛋 糕 上 蠟 燭 的 數 目

—〉can't recall.. didnt blow candles for quite a period..

6■ 你 吹 蠟 燭 的 日 期


7■ 你 們 家 養 過 什 麼 寵 物

—〉dog, cat, fish, bird n chicken..

8■ 星 座


9■ 有 幾 多 耳 洞


10■ 你 有 刺 青 嗎


11■ 你 喜 歡 你 目 前 的 生 活 嗎

—〉♥.. Life is short.. so jz ♥ it though it isn't cute..sometimes..

12■ 暗 戀 過 幾 個 人

—〉secret.. XD

13■ 会怀念初恋吗?

—〉hehe.. X0

14■ 有 向 人 告 白 的 經 驗 嗎

—〉hehe.. AM I DARE ENOUGH?? *ask yourself, see if you knew me well*

15■ 不 敢 吃 的 東 西

—〉nasty in taste n smell..

16■ 最 喜 歡 吃 什 麼 東 西

—〉Peppermint flavoured Ice Cream etc.. spicy or cold..

17■ 最 喜 歡 喝 什 么

—> sky juice..

18■ 最 喜 歡 的 數 字

—〉7 n 12

19■ 喜 歡 看 哪 一 種 電 影 類 型

—〉comedy, love, family, friendship, friction n action..

20■ 最 喜 歡 的 品 牌

—〉none in specific..

21■ 最 懷 念 的 日 子

—> childhood n school time.. play n fight..

22■ 最 傷 心 的 事 情

—〉face eternal separation.. :(

23■ 最 想 講 對 不 起 的 人


24■ 最 後 悔 的 事

—〉I wish I don't have guilt won't ate me up..

25■ 最 喜 歡 星 期 幾

—〉Sunday, the day the LORD has make..SABBATH

26■ 最 喜 歡 春 夏 秋 冬 哪 一 季 節


27■ 喜 歡 的 花

—〉tulip.. wish I can plant it at my home ;(

28■ 喜 歡 的 運 動


29■ 比 過 哪 些 比 賽 有 得 獎

—> don't know.. lolx! no sure if I had it..

30■ 喜 歡 的 冰 淇 淋 種 類

—〉Peppermint n Chocolate

31■ 討 厭 做 的 事


32■ 討 厭 別 人 做 什 麼

—〉judge other by cover..

33■ 擅 長 的 事

—〉grumbling n sleep zzZ

34■ 有 想 過 要 自 殺 嗎

—〉Honestly YA ^^

35■ 臥 室 的 地 毯 是 什 麼 顏 色

—〉pink mixed white

36■ 以 後 想 做 什 麼 職 業

—〉not yet valid

37■ 你 信 有 鬼 嗎

—〉they are devil n evil spirit..the followers of Lucifer...

38■ 你 覺 得 自 己 十 年 後 會 在 哪 裡

—〉never thought of this question.. see where live will send me..

39■ 無 聊 的 時 候 你 大 多 做 些 什 麼

—〉listen song, reading or blogging...

40■ 世 界 上 最 惱 人 的 事


41■ 覺 得 同 性 戀 呢

—〉for sure I'm not one of them, never will I pray.. I enjoy looking at liang zai..ahha =)

my close friends knew it by fact.

42■ 如 果 有 人 誤 會 你

—〉keep my mouth shut n decide it by your own either to trust or doubt me..

43■ 有 想 過 要 怎 麼 對 付 你 討 厭 的 人 嗎

—〉God state it clearly in bible,

"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," (taken from Matthew 5:44)

44■ 你 認 為 你 的 另 一 半 幫 你 付 錢 是 理 所 當 然 的 嗎

—〉if bf, no..unless I really out of income..hehe..

But different case for husband, he should..most of the time.. ;P sorry!

45■ 你 介 意 替 你 另 一 半 付 錢 嗎

---〉refer question 44

46■通 常 幾 點 上 床 睡 覺

—〉depends on my mood..

47■ 現 在 心 裡 最 想 見 的 人 是 誰

—〉Jenn...bring me out... I wanna gai badly..

48■你 想 幾 歲 結 婚

—〉 28 sth

49■ 今 天 心 情 好 嗎


50■ 最 希 望 誰 會 回 信

—〉You ^^♥

[1] 被 點 到 必 填 , 不 填 代 表 你 不 尊 重 傳 給 你 的 人 和 問 卷 .

[2] 請 老 實 回 答 每 一 個 問 題 。

[3] 不 行 擅 自 塗 改 題 目 。

[4] 寫 完 請 點 3 0 位 , 要 點 回 點 你 的 人

Monday, June 06, 2011

life brief candle..

Appreciate and love those you treasure..
Cos you'll never know when the time comes...
when the fallen angels knock yours or your beloved's door...
creepily...blood freezes..dip and lick 'it'...
taste worse ever... the eternal separation..
Hearts stab and scatter all way...unhealed wound last forever..
How terrible sadness kills the day off...and darkest night rule over...
Life is'll definitely..100%..know none..
Take life gently, love it and it shall return in resemble act..
I guess and pray...
Only God know... Have faith then and take courage~

The song that convey the acknowledgement of Beloved me...

Friday, June 03, 2011

will be missing it~

The day has come and it'd passed by winkle of eyes...
To camera crews, well done! We've tried our best...
Ur treasures are store in heaven...
Ta da My Friends!! You've made my day bright..
God bless you all~~

Lunch time~ ayam~~

pix wif attractive young ladies n guys of CTK^^
met my old friends from KK... missed you all!!


Another best friend of mine who just start a new life...
He's a kind-hearted, peaceful and loving young man ^^
note: zai read it!! XD
sorry if u can't see it clearly, my writing was bad... forgive me!! hahaha

Joyous Presence of God

Life comes please all the time..
cope it and live with it..
Life is %!@%@#% "anything that you can think of"...
some said life is ice cream, chocolate, rainbow...
but I say Life is cloud...
Imagination of possibilities turn into realities by deeds of action... life... though at first and presently, s**k me off...
Yet, cheer! This is life babe!! ^^
if there's a will, then chase after it...
even if others doubt you..
I'm so gonna cast aside yours dubiety....
and have my own lives colourful!!
Jess, thrown those preoccupations, it kept you ill til worse ever...
God, lend me Your mighty hands,
In You, I searched for rest... In You Alone!!
I'm just too dilute in mental, physical and spiritual by my own...
It's in You, my strength was restored...
Flaws of mine reveal the greatness of God!

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome and power
Our God, Our God...
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us