I went to a course known as no apologies. It is course which tells the truth of life + love + sex. In western country, many are being blind by the condom's promotion. Many thought by using condom, then it will 100% safe sex, but sadly, the truth wasn't there, using condom can't guarantee no pregnancy. Youth also tend to loss their virginity because they are curious when condom are given to them. In their mind, they think of "people give, then we use". This is so wrong. In order to keep virginity, everyone should protect her/him self from any possibility. Premarital sex cause a lot of effect and it will never be a sweet dream. Premarital sex kills us and our future, it was a nightmare for those who ever try it. I like a statement that mentioned by Jasmine Pang, We are not followers (of sex), we are leaders (of life). Join it, if you got the chance. You might change your future.